Friday, April 5, 2013


Bridget passed away before midnight last night in the loving embrace of her mother, husband, and Daisy (our beloved dog). I am heartbroken and do not have my wife's eloquence. In a few words, Bridget lived her life with unbridled passion and energy. One look from her beautiful blue eyes and you knew that she was with you in that moment. I am forever humbled by the time and love that we shared.

We ask that you allow family and close personal friends only to celebrate Bridget's life at her funeral. Your expressions of sympathy in Bridget's name would be most appreciated if they were directed toward either the Dana Farber Program for Young Women with Breast Cancer or Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Bridget and I have been so blessed by the care and support of so many these past eight years. Fear, doubt, and pain have been replaced by courage, faith, and peace.


Anonymous said...

Words cannot express what I feel at this moment, as I extend my heart to you and your family as you remember your beloved Bridget. Thank you for opening up your own lives and hearts to so many others as Bridget shared her story (your story) of love, courage, hope and life.

Coral in Tacoma, WA

Unknown said...

she was an inspiration to all of us on how to fight the beast with courage, strength and above all grace. fly high and fly free our beautiful angel ... until we meet again on the other side, i will think of you everytime i wear my pearls

light & love to all,
jan from hamden, connecticut

Anonymous said...

Alex and Family, I am so sorry to hear of Bridget's passing, you are all in our hearts... Thank you for sharing Bridget with us for all these years. She will be missed but NEVER forgotten!!

flynnie said...

Bridget left us with an ever lasting impression. I will never forget her tenacity, strength and smile! She certainly touched many lives and inspired others to move forward even during those tough days! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. God Bless you all.

Sarah from New Boston, NH

Elizabeth Mankey said...

It will be impossible to forget her. My deepest sympathy to your family.

Bethany said...

See you later sweet warrior. Thank you for your love, impact, and light.

Lisa said...

My deepest sympathy to those Bridget has left behind. She is free from pain but yours continues. You will be in my prayers in the days to come. Fly in Joy! Bridget. Your impact will never be forgotten.

Brij &Brian said...

Bridget has taught us how to live life without fear, to embrace every moment with passion, courage, and joy. She is love's greatest expression. We are sending your family our deepest condolences and keep you in our thoughts and prayers.....

Much love..
Brij & Bri

Anonymous said...

you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers now and in the days to come.

pamela in everett, wa

Mom said...

Bridget was the first face I saw representing SKG. I know she's in heaven speaking to my daughter who was about Bridget's age when she passed from breast cancer.

Pauline L Lally

Lea said...

I'm so sorry... Wearing my pearls in your honour, Bridget...

Pinkim said...

I am so sorry...I pray that you and the rest of the family find are a special man to have loved someone so special<3

Unknown said...

Bridget will live on forever in all of us that ever had the pleasure of meeting her. She is a warrior, an angel - a remarkable woman who touched so many lives. Thank you for sharing her with us. May you find the strength needed during this most difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Alex and Family, I didn't know Bridget, but I do know what an amazing warrior she was. She will forever be in our hearts. So sorry for your loss.

Dan said...

There are no words to describe the tragedy the world has just suffered with the passing of Bridget Spence. She was a gift to us all, even in the short (way too short) amount of time she graced us with her love and her spirit. Not many people can say they have made an impact on our world and she made more of one then most. She will forever be missed and remembered. Our prayers are with her incredible husband and family. May you rest comfortably now and forever. We love you, always!!

Maureen Polson said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to Bridget's family and friends. I met Bridget last year at the Boston walk when I was a flag bearer and I will be continuing the fight in her honor.

Brittanie said...

For 2 1/2 years I've proudly been able to say, "I work for Susan G. Komen for the Cure." People have been on board with us, and some haven't. Some don't get what we do, some do. Some have never been impacted by breast cancer, but for the most part we all know someone who has.

Last night the world lost a very giving, strong and courageous young woman, Bridget Spence. I work here and stand by Komen because of women and men just like Bridget.

To Bridget's husband and family, my heart breaks for your loss. I never had the chance to meet her, but I know wherever she went and whatever she did, she gave it her all. Her spirit will continue to live in all that we do to fight breast cancer and give women and men hope.

Kendra said...

Thank you for letting us know. Her courage will never be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Love from Maryland.

Anonymous said...

Sending thoughts and prayers to Bridget's family. You will never be forgotten!!

Wendy said...

She Walks in Beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!

Melissa Gilligan said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Bridgett was an inspiration and i am so thankful she has shared her story with the world. As a strong advocate for breast cancer here in Tampa Florida, I will walk for Bridgett in October this year and every year going forward. She will not be forgotten. God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Never forgotten. Ever. Celebrate hope and faith and love. And a life, gone far too soon, that gave us so much.

Prayers are with her family and friends.

Alexis said...

I did not know you or Bridget personally, but I felt a personal connection reading Bridget's words. Her courage was admirable and I always felt comforted by her words. Peace to you and Bridget's family.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has the power to change the world. Bridget actually did it. Her spirit and grace will never be forgotten.

Rest in peace, Bridget.

AMER O said...

Another warrior takes wings...

Liliana Holtzman said...

Deepest condolences to Bridget's family. She has been an inspiration to everyone who knew her.

Sending love and hugs to your whole family.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Big Man and the rest of Bridget's family. Love and peace to all of you. Know that she will never, ever be forgotten.

The world lost one of its brightest, most precious lights. God speed, Bridget.

Heather A said...

Thoughts and prayers to your family. I'm so very sorry. Bridget has made a lasting impression on so many she never even met.

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry to hear that Bridget has passed away. She faced a cruel disease with such dignity, humor and grace. The support an love of her family and friends and caregivers came through in each of her posts, and my heart goes out to you. I hope you are able to find comfort in memories of the life she lived with such great purpose, love, and fun.

Delaine from Pennsylvania said...

So very sadden by the news of Bridget's passing. Another young and beautiful life lost to this horrible disease. Sending my prayers to all her family.

Anonymous said...

Bridget Spence, your song continues. During the time my PR firm worked hand in hand with Susan G. Komen, your courageous journey was an inspiration of immeasurable value to all of us. Your extraordinary life, no matter how brief, was one of eternal impact. Your legacy hastens the importance of finding a cure for this scourge that comes like a thief to steal treasures from our world. RIP, dear warrior for the cause; you shall not die in vain. May angels guide you to that place beyond our knowing, where there is only sunshine and light. Bridget Spence, the work goes on, and we are better for having had you among us.

Terry B. said...

Thank you, Alex, for sharing Bridget with us for so many years. I met the two of you at the 2010 Washington D.C. 3 Day for the Cure. We walked together a few miles the morning of Day 2. Bridget told me about the Youth Corps that would be expanding nationally in 2011. Because of her, my daughter, Robyn, knew to watch for the launch and apply to be on Youth Corps. She'll be on Youth Corps in Philly for the 3rd time this year - and next year she'll be old enough to walk with me. Bridget literally changed our lives. My daughter was so inspired by Bridget - that someone so young could make such a huge difference. I will forever remember her brilliant smile - and the obvious love that she had for you. I wish you and Bridget's family, and Daisy, peace as you go through the hours and days ahead. Bridget will live in our hearts forever.

Anonymous said...

I will never forget the first time I met Bridget 5 years ago or the amazement I had every time I saw her. Bridget had such positive energy, courage and grace. She has had a profound impact on so many people in her much too short time with us. Thank you more than words can say for sharing this wonderful woman with us. I know she will always hold a special place in my heart. May God bless you and ease your pain.

Anonymous said...

My deepest prayers and sympathy to the family of Bridget. She was truly a hero! Bridget accomplished more in her very short life than most will in a lifetime. Rest in peace. Christy - Oncology Nurse

Jacqueline said...

Heartbroken for you! Rest in Peace now, Bridget! You were loved and will always be remembered!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Our deepest sympathy to you, Alex. Your "Heritage friends" are certainly thinking of you as we learned today of Bridget's passing.

The Clarke Family

kikki said...

Most people only dream of changing the world. Bridget actually did. The world was a better place, just for having her in it, even though she wasn't here for very long. To Alex and Bridget's family and friends--my heart goes out to you. I will be praying for all of you, that you may find peace and take solace knowing that Bridget will NEVER--could never-be forgotten! Much love to all of you! Rest in peace dear Bridget.

Becky said...

We'll never forget Bridget. Alex--you are in my prayers.

Mary Leonhardt said...

I'm so sorry, Alex. Reading this blog, I can see what a special person she was. Peace.

Karen said...

I never met Bridget but was so touched when I heard her speak at last year's Global Race for the Cure in DC. I'll be running the race for my 15th or 16th time this year (have run all years but 1 since my Mom was diagnosed), and I'd never been impacted the way that I was hearing Bridget speak last year.

For someone so young to be so selfless in helping others through her advocacy, participation in clinical trials, and spirit, while fighting her own battle is truly amazing. We all should do more! This year, I'm pushing to try to hit $3000 worth of fundraising for the Race....when I hit it, I will celebrate my Mom and friend Karen, somebody else close to me who had a scare this year but is fortunately ok, and I will honor Bridget for all that she did to help others!

My thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

ncymaqPrayers to Bridget's family and friends during the hours, days, and months ahead.

A Roland Park Alumna

Joni Rodgers said...

It was a privilege to get to know Bridget, and I'm so glad her story lives on in Nancy's book. Peace be with you and with her mom.
With sorrow and gratitude ~

Anonymous said...

I was not lucky enough to know Bridget, but knew of her through Joan and family. My heart goes out to all of you...sending much love. Bridget is an inspiration and has truly touched my life. May you all find solace in peace and love...

Lauren Bell and family

Unknown said...

Rest in peace sweet girl. Your energy will fuel many of us as we continue to fight for funding for better cancer treatments. The vaccine I am supporting and had myself can work wonders on Her2+ BC, with funding and trials. You are an inspiration to all of us and how could anyone ever forget you and your voice so brave and sweet.

Pray for us from heaven, ask God to help us. We have cried enough tears. Breast cancer can be ended.

You served a valient purpose here, you loved and were loved and you inspired everyone you came in contact with. You did not lose your battle, it continues, I promise you that.

pinkbeardbarry said...

I walked with her in San Diego and Washington, and will never forget her courage and determination. The image in my heart and mind is Bridget jumping up and down, smiling, in the survivor's circle during closing ceremonies. I will carry on the fight for her.

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences. Sending love, peace, and prayers to honor a life that inspired so many. Never forgotten.

-Anne in CO

Jeanne Ireland said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Although I never met Bridget, I could see the glow she had from within. She is an inspiration to me, and will continue to be so. I have a picture of her in a frame from a magazine, right next to my wigs I will soon be sporting. Every day, I get dressed and I look at her picture to help me get my fight on. She absolutely made a difference in this world, and to me. Thank you Bridget for that.

Stefanie Blakely said...

A friend of mine who went to school with Bridget posted her story several days ago and I have spent the past 2 days reading every post on this blog.

I feel lucky to have "met" her and I am inspired by her story: her courage, her activism, and her determination.

Bridget, you will never be forgotten!

Birmingham, AL

Nurse Tales said...

I knew beautiful Bridget before I meet her...I found her blog on a Komen link on facebook. I followed her...and was inspired by her words. Then I was a flag carrier for the Boston 3-Day..and there she was!!
She was a true Warrior!
We will NEVER forget you!
Your Big Man and your family are in my prayers.
Blessings beautiful angel

joinourloop said...

she asked us to let her go. It was hard. She had such a unique way of sharing lives joys and fears while battling the beast.
She had happiness in her life.
Now she is organizing all those angels on some epic angle hike.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Bridget, I'm so happy to know you had several months to spend with your Big Man and your wonderful family. As always, you'll watch out for them - now from above.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of the Boston University Alumni Council, we extend our deepest sympathy to Bridget's family. Bridget's courage, enthusiasm and commitment to helping others face the challenges of cancer was recognized by the Alumni Council in awarding her a Young Alumni Award. She was also invited to join the Council and while her service was far too short, Bridget made significant contributions to our programs and made many new friends along the way. We will miss Bridget very much but she will continue to be with us in spirit.

Anonymous said...

My family and I had the special opportunity to meet Bridget and her husband at my sister's fundraising event "An Evening for Bridget." My sister (also Bridget) passed away almost 5 years ago from cancer, and the proceeds from our fundraising event go to support Dana Farber's Young & Strong program.

Bridget was gracious enough to speak at our event last year, to share her story and speak about how supporting the Young & Strong program can have such an impact on a patient's life.

As many have already written, Bridget made a lasting impact on so many lives, and me and my family are blessed to have met her. We attend St. Cecilia's and have been praying for Bridget every week. It broke our hearts to hear of her passing. You and your family are in our hearts and prayers. God Bless

Anj said...

I didn't know Bridget personally, but her blog was one of the few I've followed as I've battled breast cancer. She was such a strong and courageous fighter.

The earth has lost another beautiful person down here, but heaven has gained a new angel. :)

God bless and I'm praying for you, brave hubby, and for the rest of her family as well.

Ginger said...

My prayers and thoughts are with the family. My sister has breast cancer that metastasized to her bones. God bless you and keep you.. Thank you for sharing your life with us Bridget.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing some of your most treasured and private moments you had with Bridget. Such a beautiful love story. Although I never met your wife, it was just impossible not to fall in love with her after reading her blog. She was truly loved by people she had never even met. I hope that brings you some amount of comfort during this difficult time. God bless.

Andrea said...

This. Just. Plain. Sucks.

I'm so sorry this whole thing happened to Bridget. My prayers & thoughts go out to all who loved her, during this hard time of loss & grief.


Anonymous said...

Only through this blog did I know you, and seeing this post brought me to tears. I am thankful for knowing you but wished I never had if that meant you never had this disease. Bless all you knew and all you have given all of us.

Obat Anemia Alami said...

thank's for your share and i really like your information

Anonymous said...

I am a recent survivor...someone shared this link with me last year and I regret I did not comment then. Waiting this week for my blood test results, I came back here and I am encouraged by her strength and I know that God is good and His will is sovereign. I will not forget her.
Beth in NC

Dawn said...

I found this blog after I was diagnosed. This was the most touching and impactful blog I have ever read. What a beautiful person your daughter/ wife was. Thank you for reposting and Bridget's life and legacy will live on. I for one will never forget her.

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